Author’s Check List (.docx) Download   

Author’s Check List 

[Journal of Northeast Asian Arts and Cultural Management (JNAACM)]



Title of Manuscript:                                                                                                              


Manuscript ID:                                                                                                                     


Please check þ to confirm the fulfillment of the instructions below before submitting your manuscript.

1.    General guidelines

o  The submission contains an original manuscript, a checklist, and a copyright transfer agreement.

o  The manuscript follows the journal template, using MS Word.

o  The manuscript consists of a title page, abstract, keywords, acknowledgment (if any), main text, references, appendix (if any), tables, and figures.

o  The pages are numbered consecutively beginning with the title page.


2.    Title page

o  The manuscript consists of title, author(s) name(s), and affiliation(s).

o  The lower area of the title page includes the name(s) of the author(s) and e-mail of the corresponding author only.


3.    Abstract and Keywords

o  The Abstract is less than 250 words for an original article.

o  Includes no more than six keywords.


4.    Main text

o  Subtitles are ordered according to the journal template.

o  All figures and tables are cited in numerical order as they are first mentioned in the text.

o  All figures and tables are referenced within the text.


5.    Tables and figures

o  The titles of figures and tables are set flush left above them, capitalizing the first letter of each word in these titles except for prepositions and articles.

o  Vertical lines are avoided in tables.

o  Pictures or photos are supplied in high resolution (minimum 300 dpi).

o  Pictures or photos are supplied at a reasonably legible size for printing if they may be affected by resizing in the printing process.


6.    References

o  References follow the KITRI style.

o  Each entry in the reference list is cited in the main text.

o  All references are listed in alphabetical order followed by the year published.

o  The title of books and journals is expressed in italics.

o  Complete references are included with the full title of the article and up to six author names. Where there are seven or more authors, they are identified as “et al.”

o  Journal articles have been double-checked as to whether the author name, (published year), title, journal name, volume (issue number), and pages are correct.

Books have been double-checked as to whether the author name, (published year), title of book (editions, if any), place of publication, publisher’s name, and pages are correct.